CAP Money Course

During these uncertain times, there may be financial unknowns ahead for each of us. Our CAP Money team are on-hand to help. They can help you build a budget based on your income and show you a practical money management system that works. Get to grips with your finances so you can budget, save and help prevent debt.

Whether you feel pretty organised or whether it’s like a lucky dip every time you try to withdraw cash from your account, the CAP Money team will help you take complete control of your finances.

For more info go to

Join the next CAP course

NEW CAP Course Starting August 2024

The CAP Money Course is a revolutionary money management course that

teaches people budgeting skills and a simple, cash-based system that really works. This course will help anyone to get more in control of their finances, so they can budget, save and prevent debt. The course consists of 1 group session and optional one-on-one sessions in the following weeks with a CAP Money Mentor. Your CAP Money course starts promptly at 7pm on Tuesday 27th August and a light supper will be provided. We encourage couples to come along together where possible. If this is the case, please book 2 tickets.

Register HERE

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